How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page, select your initials in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down list, select Manage Apps & Users.
- On the Manage Apps & Users page, select School Calendar.
- On the School Calendar page, select the Marking Periods tab.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
Marking periods (quarters, semesters, etc.) are used to indicate the duration of a class when that class is created. Marking periods are also available when you generate reports, and they are used when you set goals.
- The table shows the marking periods already set up, if any. By default, marking periods for all schools are shown.
Use the Marking Periods For drop-down list to work with marking periods in specific schools. Only the schools you are viewing will be affected by any changes you make to marking periods.
If a number of schools is shown in the "Schools" column (like "2 schools" in the example above), you can hover the mouse over that number and see the names of the schools in the pop-up "hover" text.
- In the row for a marking period, use the links in the Action column to work with that marking period:
- Edit lets you edit an existing marking period.
- Delete will delete a marking period.
- Select Add a Marking Period to create a new marking period.
- If you are in the process of setting up a new school year, select Previous to return to the prior step (adding/editing a school year).