Use this page to view or edit information about an existing class.
How Do I Get to This Page?
- On the Home page, select your initials in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down list, select Manage Apps & Users.
- Select Classes & Courses.
- Select a school.
- Search for a course or class.
- In the list of results, select a class name.
How to View or Edit a Class
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff
Use this page to view or edit information about an existing class. The school and course for this class are shown.
You can View or change the following information:
- Class Name: A class name is required.
If your class name is the same as another class name, you will get an error message. Rename your class and select Save.
- Course: The course that the class is in is also required. If you are editing the class, you can use the drop-down list to choose a different course for the class; only courses that are in the same school can be selected.
- Marking Period: Choose the time period during which the class takes place: one of the marking periods added in Renaissance Place or the entire school year.
- Add/Remove Teachers: Select Add/Remove Teachers to change the lead or team teachers assigned to this class. Search for teachers and add them to the class. Select Unassign by any teacher you want to remove from the class. Make sure to have a lead teacher assigned. Team teachers are not required. Note that any changes you make will not be saved until you select Save on the Edit Class page afterwards.
- Products: Check the products that the class will use (or click Select All to check all products). Teachers and students can only use products that are selected for their classes.
For Freckle, you'll see a check box for each subject so that you can specify which subjects the class will use.
Note for Star Phonics: Students can only be in one class with Star Phonics assigned; if students are in more than one class, make sure that you only assign Star Phonics to one of those classes.
If Lalilo is one of the available products, when you assign it to classes, the classes will be available in Lalilo with their assigned teachers and students. Depending on your setup, it may take from 30 minutes up to 24 hours for classes to be available in Lalilo.
- Add/Remove Students: Select Add/Remove Students to search for and add students to the class. Select Unenroll by a student you want to remove from the class. Note that any changes you make to the student enrollment will not be saved until you select Save on the Edit Class page afterwards.
- Delete Class: Select Delete Class to delete this class. Select Yes or No in the warning box that appears.
To finish, select Save. (If you don't want to save your changes, select Cancel instead.)